We've all had a dumb idea or two in our life, right? Today, I'm going to cover a number of common link building schemes that are either worthless, or could get you a penalty from Google, or both.
The really sad part … Continue Reading ››
We've all had a dumb idea or two in our life, right? Today, I'm going to cover a number of common link building schemes that are either worthless, or could get you a penalty from Google, or both.
The really sad part … Continue Reading ››
If you've been in SEO for a while, you've undoubtedly read tons of stuff about how the disavow file is no longer needed, or is needed only in the case of a Manual Action (Google-speak for a digital spanking), doesn't work, Google just uses it to get you to tattle on link … Continue Reading ››
If you've been following the endless chaos of Google Updates over the past year, you're well aware that Google considers original images in a piece of content as a signal that the author of the … Continue Reading ››
These are metrics that you can see in Google Search Console that attempt to measure how usable your site is. They cover things like page load time, how much your content shuffles around as the page loads, how long … Continue Reading ››
Getting your products ranked well on Amazon is a completely different world from getting your web pages ranked in Google. Amazon SEO isn't something I do, but many of my clients ask about it. DesignRush has put together a guide on how to optimize your product listings on Amazon.
They do a great … Continue Reading ››
Michael Cottam - Freelance technical SEO consultant - 20915 Royal Oak Circle, Bend, OR 97701
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