Discovered today: when you're looking at the maps results for a Google search, and click on one of the listings to expand it (here, I'm clicking on the result for J. Rollins Art of Framing):
what ACTUALLY expands is the … Continue Reading ››
It USED to be that when you set your location via Search Tools in Google, it would control where Google thought you were searching from, affecting the organic/local universal results and the maps results (yeah, the AdWords results were ALWAYS messed up on this, and still are).
As of today, it seems that setting your location … Continue Reading ››
Google is now showing a little pulldown to the right of the website URL in their search results. When you click the pulldown, you get a synopsis of the company or organization.
Przemyslaw Cwik from the Polish website (which focuses on the domain name business) interviewed me in this Q&A session regarding domains and the state of SEO today.
This is the presentation I did at SEMpdx on March 11, 2014, on how good Panda optimization on-page can be more important than a massive backlink profile.