Clients Who Are Authors

Here are some of my clients who’ve authored books:

Zibby Books
Zibby Books came together to help authors have the best publishing experience ever – as a true community. They publish one book a month so that every book — and author — gets undivided attention at launch and so readers get a curated year of reading with a well-thought-out, diverse journey of emotions, voices, and genres.

With 800+ brand ambassadors across the country, indie bookseller and author advisory boards, brand partners, reader and author retreats, book parties, and more, Zibby Books is a true community.


Albert Flynn Desilver is an internationally published poet, writer, speaker, and workshop leader. He teaches writing workshops at the Esalen Institute, The Omega Institute, Spirit Rock Meditation Center and literary conferences nationally.

  is the most popular energy news site in the world. Our analysis focuses on Oil and Gas, Alternative Energy and Geopolitics. Oilprice works with the largest names in financial news and provides news and analysis to sites such as: CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Nasdaq, Motley Fool, Huffington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Minyanville and hundreds of others.


Divine Openings
Lola Jones, creator of Divine Openings, is a prolific writer and creator, so there are vast and constantly fresh resources on this site for spiritual awakening, spiritual enlightenment, and practical personal growth and development.


Jonathan Berman
Jonathan Berman, author of “Success in Africa“, a book which provides insights directly from the ambitious CEOs who are building a continent. From Forbes Africa CEO of the Year James Mwangi to GE’s CEO Jeff Immelt, more than 20 top business leaders discuss how they approach opportunities as vast as any since the dawn of the American century.


The Better Crumb
Pauline Loussia Rhoads is the author of The Better Crumb, a food blog. Pauline holds a Pastry and Baking Arts degree from the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City, and is a past food writer and Assistant Editor at Greenwich Magazine in Connecticut.


Zachary Elwood
Zachary Elwood, author of the book Reading Poker Tells. SEO consulting and training.


Freestyle magazine
Producers of Freestyle magazine, Orphan Studios has evolved into an in-house digital media production concept. Project work included SEO consulting and training.


Michael Cottam - Freelance technical SEO consultant - 20915 Royal Oak Circle, Bend, OR 97701

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